Figure skates getting sharpened

Do New Skates Need To Be Sharpened? Including Sharpening Guide

Yes, new skates need to be sharpened because they are not sharp out of the box. They also need to be sharpened because they will wear down faster if not.

New skates also need to be broken in, which is best done by skating on them. Breaking in new skates helps them to become more comfortable and can help prevent blisters.

It can also help the skates to mold to your feet better.

How often you need to sharpen your skates depends on how often you skate and what type of skating you do.

If you skate frequently or do a lot of jumps and spins, you will need to sharpen your skates more often.

Skaters who only skate occasionally may not need to sharpen their skates as often.

You can tell when your skates need to be sharpened because they will feel dull and won’t glide as well as they used to.

You may also notice that your skates are leaving gouges in the ice. If you wait too long to sharpen your skates, they can become nicked and damaged, which will shorten their lifespan.

If you are not sure how to sharpen your skates, you can take them to a skate shop or ask a skating coach for help.

When should you sharpen new skates?

If you’re a casual skater who only hits the rink a few times a year, you should sharpen your skates once every couple of months. But if you’re skating regularly, then you’ll need to sharpen your blades more frequently, about once every two weeks or so.

Of course, it’s not just frequency of use that determines how often your skates need to be sharpened.

The type of skating you’re doing is also a factor. If you’re mostly just cruising around the rink for fun, you won’t need as sharp of an edge on your blades as someone who’s playing hockey or figure skating competitively.

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Hockey players, for example, need to be able to make quick starts and stops, so they require a very sharp edge on their skates.

If you’re not sure how often to sharpen your skates, just ask your local skate shop for advice.

They’ll be able to tell you how often to bring your blades in based on your skating habits.

What are the different types of skate blades/edges and what do they do?

There are a few different types of skate blades/edges that skaters can use. Choosing the right one for you is important, as it can make a big difference in your skating. Here is a rundown of the different types of blades and what they do.

  • Standard Edges: These are the most basic type of edges and are used by most skaters. They provide a good balance between speed and control.
  • Hollow Ground Edges: These edges are designed to create more speed than standard edges. However, they can be harder to control and require more precision to use correctly.
  • Dual Edges: Dual edges are similar to hollow ground edges, but offer even more speed potential. They can be difficult to control, so they aren’t recommended for beginner skaters.
  • Beveled Edges: Beveled edges are designed for greater stability and control than other types of blades. They offer less speed potential, but many skaters find them easier to use than other blades options.
  • Flat Bottom V Edges: These edges are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer good speed potential and excellent stability and control.
  • Parabolic Edges: Parabolic edges are designed to provide a balance between speed and control. They are becoming increasingly popular with skaters of all levels.
  • Rounded Edges: Rounded edges provide the least amount of grip on the ice, which can make them difficult to use. They are typically only used by experienced skaters who know how to use them correctly.

No matter what type of skate blades/edges you choose, be sure to take care of them so they will last longer.

Always sharpen your blades after skating on them for a while, and don’t use them on anything other than ice.

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With proper care, your blades should last you for many years of skating enjoyment.

How to sharpen skates

It’s that time of year again when the weather starts to cool and people start thinking about winter sports.

One popular winter sport is ice skating. Skaters need to be able to move quickly and smoothly across the ice, and that means their skates need to be sharpened regularly.

Here is a simple guide on how to sharpen your skates at home.

  • 1. Remove the blade from the skate. If it is attached with screws, remove them with a Phillips head screwdriver. If it is attached with rivets, use a hammer and chisel to knock out the rivets.
  • 2. Use a coarse file to file down any burrs or rough spots on the blade edge.
  • 3. Hold the blade against an oilstone and use light pressure as you move the blade back and forth along the stone (Figure 1). You only need to apply oil to one side of the blade edge.
  • 4. Wipe off any excess oil with a cloth or paper towel.
  • 5. Repeat steps 2-4 on the other side of the blade edge.
  • 6. Use a fine file to smooth out any rough spots on the blade edge.
  • 7. Hold the blade against an oilstone and use light pressure as you move the blade back and forth along the stone (Figure 1). You only need to apply oil to one side of the blade edge.
  • 8. Wipe off any excess oil with a cloth or paper towel.
  • 9. Repeat steps 6-8 on the other side of the blade edge.
  • 10. Reattach the blade to the skate using screws or rivets (depending on how it was originally attached).

That’s it. You’re ready to hit the ice.

When should you sharpen your skates?

If you want to create a smooth surface on your skates, then you should sharpen them before skating. This will help remove any nicks or bumps in the blade and give you a smoother ride.

But if you’re looking to increase your speed, then you should sharpen them after skating. This will create a sharp edge that can cut through the ice more easily.

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Just be careful not to overdo it, or you could end up with a skate that’s too sharp and uncomfortable to use.

In fact, it’s generally a good idea to get your skates professionally sharpened, especially if you’re new to the sport. This way, you can be sure that they’re sharpened properly and won’t cause any damage to your blades.

Do new skaters need to have their blades sharp?

No, new skaters don’t need to have their blades sharpened. In fact, it’s better if they don’t.

When a blade is sharp, it can cause more cuts and scrapes when the skater falls.

It’s also more dangerous for the skater because a sharp blade can easily slip and cause an injury.

  • 1. A dull blade provides more traction and stability when skating. This is especially important for beginners who are still learning how to balance on their skates.
  • 2. A dull blade also reduces the risk of injuries during falls. A sharper blade has a tendency to slide out from under you, which can lead to nasty cuts or even worse injuries.
  • 3. With a duller blade, you will have to exert more pressure in order to get the same level of speed and performance out of your skating. This might take some getting used to for beginner skaters, but with practice they will be able to adjust fairly quickly
  • 4. Dull blades are also less likely to catch on other surfaces (such as ice or pavement), causing you to fall
  • 5. It’s generally recommended that new skaters start out with a duller blade so that they can focus on mastering the basics of skating before moving on the finer points (like speed and sharp turns). As they become more confident and skilled on the ice, they can then begin to sharpen their blades for better performance.

There are several reasons why a new skater might want to consider keeping their blades dull – at least until they get the hang of things.

Of course, ultimately it’s up to the skater to decide what works best for them.

So if you’re just starting out, don’t be afraid to experiment with different levels of blade sharpness until you find what works best for you.