When you work out, the air pressure in your ears changes as your body moves up and down. This change in air pressure can cause your ears to pop.
The air pressure in your ear canals changes when you move from a high-pressure environment, like the inside of your head, to a low-pressure environment, like the atmosphere outside.
This change in pressure causes tiny bubbles of air to form in your liquid middle ears. When these bubbles pop, you hear a “pop” or “click” sound. This is called the “barotrauma of eustachian tube dysfunction” and it’s completely normal.
The barotrauma of eustachian tube dysfunction occurs when the pressure in your ear canals changes too quickly. This can happen when you:
- Work out
- Climb a mountain
- Fly in an airplane
- Drive up or down a steep hill
The best way to prevent the barotrauma of eustachian tube dysfunction is to Equalize the pressure in your ears before it gets too low. You can do this by:
- Yawning
- Swallowing
- Chewing gum
- Using a decongestant nasal spray
If you’re unable to Equalize the pressure in your ears, you may experience pain, ringing in your ears (tinnitus), or hearing loss.
Table of Contents
Why do I get pressure in my ears when I workout?
It’s normal to experience some pressure in your ears when you work out, especially if you’re new to exercise.
The good news is that it usually goes away pretty quickly. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help lessen the discomfort.
- Make sure your earplugs fit well. If they don’t fit snugly, they might not provide enough protection from the pressure changes caused by exercise.
- Swallow frequently while you work out. This will help keep your Eustachian tubes open and allow the pressure to equalize more quickly.
- Pinch your nose shut and try to blow air into your ears. This will also help open up the Eustachian tubes and relieve some of the pressure.
- Take breaks during your workout to give your ears a chance to adjust. Sitting down and relaxing for a few minutes may help make the adjustment process less uncomfortable.
- Talk to your doctor if the pressure in your ears persists or becomes bothersome.
He or she may be able to recommend other ways to help relieve the discomfort.
What are the causes of ear popping during exercise?
Ear popping during exercise is a common phenomenon. It occurs when the air pressure in the ear canal changes suddenly, as when you change altitude quickly. This can be a nuisance, but it’s generally not harmful. In fact, it’s a sign that your body is working properly.
The Eustachian tubes are two small tubes that run from the middle of each side of your nose to your ears.
These tubes help regulate the air pressure in your ears. When you change altitude quickly, the sudden change in air pressure can cause the Eustachian tubes to open up and allow air to flow into or out of your ears.
This is what causes the popping or crackling sound.
Most people experience ear popping during exercise occasionally, especially if they’re active at high altitudes.
However, some people may experience it more often or more severely. If you have trouble opening your Eustachian tubes, you may find that yawning or chewing gum helps open them up and relieve the pressure.
If you experience ear popping frequently or severely, you should see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
Can you prevent your ears from popping during workout by doing certain exercises?
It’s a common experience to have your ears pop during a workout. You might be surprised to learn that there are exercises you can do to help prevent this from happening.
We will discuss what causes your ears to pop and the exercises you can do to prevent it.
The Eustachian tube is a small passageway that connects the back of your nose to your middle ear.
This tube helps to equalize the pressure between your nose and ear. When the pressure in your middle ear becomes too high, it can cause your ears to pop.
There are two main exercises that can help to prevent this from happening. The first is called the Valsalva maneuver.
To do this, you simply need to take a deep breath and then pinch your nose shut while keeping your mouth closed.
Try to exhale slowly against the closed pinched nose. You should feel your ears pop as the pressure equalizes.
The second exercise is called the Toynbee maneuver. For this one, you will need to swallow several times and then close your mouth and pinch your nose shut.
Again, try to exhale slowly against the closed pinched nose.
Both of these exercises can help to prevent your ears from popping during a workout. If you feel like your ears are starting to pop, you can also try one of these exercises to help relieve the pressure.
How to prevent your ears from popping when you work out
To prevent your ears from popping when you work out you can try chewing gum, swallow frequently, or try yawning. Each of these actions helps to prevent ears from popping.
When you work out, the pressure of the air in your inner ear can cause your ears to pop.
This is a normal response and usually goes away within a few minutes. However, if you experience discomfort or pain, there are some things you can do to prevent your ears from popping.
One thing you can do is chew gum while you work out. The act of chewing will help to equalize the pressure in your ears.
You can also try yawning or swallowing frequently. These actions will help to open up your eustachian tubes and allow the air pressure to equalize.
If none of these methods work, you may need to use earplugs while you work out. Earplugs will help to keep the pressure in your ears equalized and will prevent discomfort or pain.
What should you do if you experience pain or discomfort in your ears?
Ear pain can be caused by a number of things, such as infection, wax build-up, or allergies.
If you experience any type of ear pain, it is important to see a doctor right away to determine the cause and get treatment if necessary. In the meantime, there are some things you can do at home to help relieve the pain.
- Try over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Ibuprofen is especially effective for reducing inflammation.
- Put a warm compress on your ears several times a day. This will help loosen any wax that may be causing the pain and also reduce inflammation.
- Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and other fluids. Dehydration can make earache symptoms worse.
- Make sure your ears are clean by using a cotton ball dipped in warm water (or hydrogen peroxide if you have wax build-up) to gently clean them every day. Do not use Q-tips, as this can push wax deeper into the ear canal and cause more damage.
- See your doctor if the pain does not go away within a few days or if you have any other symptoms, such as discharge from your ears, fever, or dizziness. These could be signs of a more serious problem and require medical treatment.
Are there any long-term effects of having your ears pop during workouts?
No matter how often you work out, if you don’t release the pressure in your ears, you could be doing long-term damage.
Ear popping is a natural response to changes in air pressure.
When the pressure inside your ear canal becomes greater than the atmospheric pressure outside, your eardrum bulges inward and the air in your middle ear is forced to escape through your nose and mouth.
This is what causes that distinctive “pop” sound.
If you don’t allow this trapped air to escape, it can cause pain and even permanent hearing loss. In extreme cases, it can lead to ruptured eardrums.
So, if you’re someone who regularly works out and experiences ear popping, it’s important to take the necessary steps to relieve the pressure.
One way to do this is by using a decongestant spray or drops before your workout.
You can also try yawning or swallowing frequently during your workout.
If you’re still having trouble, see a doctor to find out if there’s a more serious problem causing the pressure in your ears.