Two table tennis paddles on table

How To Remove Glue From Table Tennis Paddle – Easy Guide

Before you begin making your table tennis paddle stickier, you must first determine the existing adhesion of your paddle. Getting a bit of paper is the simplest methods to do this.

After that place your paddle on top of the paper. If the paddle clings to the sheet and you can shift it around, the table tennis paddle has the right amount of stickiness.

When you have an adhesive paddle, you’ll be able to have a better touch on the ball while playing. Increased hold usually equates to more velocity, allowing you to take the match to another level.

How to Make a Stickier Table Tennis Paddle?

You can make the table tennis paddle more adhesive in a variety of ways. Here are some of the things to consider.

Change the Rubber – This isn’t the best solution, but it’s something to consider. It’s simple to replace the rubber on the blade. Many people use their blades for too long, which causes them to become non-sticky with time. If your blade is damaged, you must replace it. If it isn’t old, though, substitute the rubber.

Buying a brush similar to the one used by artists is one way to make the paddle tackier. Then you’ll need to get sunflower oil. Apply the oil to the table tennis rubber thoroughly. Allow it to dry before repeating the process till you attain the desired regularity. The best thing is that you may do it as often as you like.

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Clean the blade – Cleaning the paddle is another technique to make the blade sticky. This should remove all of the dirt and superfluous material from your table tennis racket and restore some of its natural stickiness.

Use a covering – You can buy table tennis paddle coverings to put over the rubber when it’s not being used. As a result, your paddle will stay clean. Cleaning is a big part of why your paddle isn’t sticky. This is one of the most efficient methods to protect yourself against dust.

Apply glue – You can apply a tiny coating of glue before the matches. This should increase the grip of your blade for the duration of the match, allowing you to play well. However, be cautious not to use large amounts, as this could harm your game.

Top Tips To Remove Glue From Table Tennis Racket?

If there is excessive glue on the table tennis racket then use the following steps to remove it:

  • Soapy water is used to remove the glue. Wipe the damaged area with a sponge dipped in fresh water until the glue dissolves. If the soap water isn’t cutting it, soak the sponge in alcohol and scrub some more. It is broken down by the alcohol, which causes it to disintegrate swiftly. Scrape any residual adhesive off the area with a steel scraper. To ensure that glue has been removed, wash the area with hot water and clean with a cloth.
  • Acetone nail paint solvent can be used to dissolve glues. Using an acetone remover-soaked cotton swab, soak the adhesive you like to eliminate. Scrape away any residual adhesive with a metal brush.
  • Use an ice cube to stiffen glue. The ice may cause the adhesive to freeze, enabling you to easily pull it away from the table tennis blade.
  • By immersing the blades in warm water, you can dissolve the labels. Remove the tag after around thirty-minute and clean the leftover glue away using a sponge.
  • Remove sticky sticker glue from the tennis table paddle by washing it with a cleanser and immersing it in hot water for about an hour. 
  • Use a solution of hot water and mild soap to remove the glue. Start cleaning up the glue after it has dried because it produces a strong bond that is difficult to undo. Scrape the glue away with sandpaper if the adhesive has hardened.
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What’s the effective technique to harden the glue?

Allowing the glue to dry naturally is always preferable. It won’t take more than 20-25 minutes for each layer, and it ensures that the adhesive dries evenly. The reason is to stop having a wet layer under a dry covering.

If you wouldn’t pay attention while drying your table tennis blades with a hairdryer then this can happen. The same thing occurs if you put an excessively thick coating and use a moderate heat setting on your hairdryer and if you put the blow dryer near to the material. Whenever the glue has dried entirely, it will be translucent.

Because this glue dries very quickly than other adhesives, you can apply or alter the glue coating till it is totally dry. Use a dry tip of the sponge for every coat if you’re planning to apply more.

After each usage, properly wash the sponge. Drain the liquid from the sponge. The adhesive on the blade will be dried by the moment the sponge is clean and available to use again.

How to remove glue with acetone?

  1. Try to remove the glue with your nails. Work gently and with patience. Make sure you’re not ripping the layering with the fingernails. 
  2. Soak the blade in a soap liquid solution. With a scratchy pad clean the area. Clean the table tennis by washing it with water and patting it thoroughly with a soft towel.
  3. Apply acetone on a clean cloth and brush over the surface. Ensure you’re working in a ventilated place, if possible. It is recommended to avoid headaches by going outside.
  4. Let the acetone sit for ten minutes. Apply extra acetone with a clean cloth if it starts drying.
  5. Remove the residual glue with the brush. The brush is both mild and abrasive, so the adhesive should come right off. If the glue is stuck, use turpentine instead of acetone to remove it.
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Repeat the above steps till the adhesive has been removed from the blade’s surface. Rinse the table tennis paddle with clean water after washing it in a soap solution. Let the material dry completely before using.