Bowling lanes

Where Do I Look When Throwing a Bowling Ball? Top 10 Tips For Aiming

Beginners will look at the pins and will focus on targeting them. Yes, that may be the case, but it is not where you should look when throwing the bowling ball.

One should look at the target arrows found across the lane, and if you aim your ball using the seven arrows, you have more chance of hitting the pins. 

The arrow that you should follow will depend on your bowling style, such as throwing a straight ball, the aim should be at the center arrow.

It will help to have a direct hit that may lead to splits, and you can use a slight angle when releasing the ball cause this will help with maximum pin action and give you more strikes. 

It is also crucial to take the same position every time you bowl, noting the dot or board at the approach area and line your feet at the same spot every time. 

Should I Look At The Arrows Or Pins?

Aiming at the pins when bowling is called pin bowling, while we call the other spot bowling. Pin bowling is used commonly by beginners but for professional players, they have learned to use the arrows instead. 

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Looking at the arrows will give you a better chance of hitting your target. Pick one of the arrows in the mid-lane and aim to have your ball roll over it. 

Right-handed bowlers will benefit more if they aim for the second arrow found on the right. For bowlers who are lefties, they can aim using the second arrow on the left side. 

10 Best Tips For Aiming In Bowling

The following are tips on how you can get a good aim in bowling.

Hold The Bowling Ball Correctly

A beginner may not know how to hold the ball correctly, and this may be one of the most important things to learn in bowling. 

If you are not confident in holding the ball, this may change your performance. If you have no idea how to use the holes to hold the ball correctly, you may not find the right swing or your style while playing. 

The trick is in learning to carry the ball with ease cause you will do the steps, slide, and swing while carrying it. 

Keep The Weight Of The Ball In Mind

A bowling ball should weigh only 10% of your weight in pounds. If you are on the heavy side and your weight is over two hundred pounds, you may have to make do with the 16-pound ball or have a ball customized for you. 

Those who have issues with their knees or have previous injuries may use a lighter ball and not follow the 10% rule. 

Finding the right fitting holes is vital cause the three holes in the bowling ball should reach up to the second knuckle of your fingers. If it can’t reach that level, then it is too tight for you. 

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There are ill-fitting bowling balls, and you should not risk it as a loose bowling ball may also cause injury not just to you but to other players. 

Bowling Is Very Much About The Approach.

Not every bowling lane is the same, some have more oil than others, and you need to consider this every time you bowl.

Your approach is important when bowling, as you gauge how you can hit the target. With every throw of the bowling bowl, you can check what approach is best. 

You may use the four-step approach commonly used by bowlers. The key is in focusing on the target arrow and walking a straight line all the time. 

Do not focus on the pins

Although the pins are your target, you should not focus on them. Use the arrows instead found in the middle of the lane. 

Remember the pocket

Angle the ball into the pocket. For the left-handed bowler, it is between the one and two-pin. For the right-handed bowler, it is between one and three-pin. 

Arm Angle

Keeping your arm straight is crucial, and kept close to your body while your hand should be at shoulder level. 

Remember The Power Step

For those who are right-handed, your power step is your right foot and for left-handed bowlers, yours will be your left foot.

Learn to bend your knees when you are doing the power step, as this will give you more momentum before you do the arm swing and release the ball. 

Finding Balance

It is in practice that you will learn, and with bowling this is true. A novice cannot immediately strike with the first release of the ball (well, if you are lucky- perhaps). 

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Many players have painstakingly practiced and have used hours and hours to make sure they find their balance, learn to swing, and do the right steps. 

It is not easy to find balance when you are bowling, but you can do it with much practice, just like in any other sport. 

Timing Is The Key

You should time the ball’s release as well cause if you release it too early, there is less velocity, but keeping it too late may cause your ball to bounce. 

Don’t Be In a Hurry

Again, timing is the key cause there is no need to rush. You have the time, and there is no buzzer sound. Maintaining the right approach will help you aim and hit the target. 

When you take the swing, it should be because you are ready to release the ball, you are in the right position, and have control over the ball. 

Once you are confident that you can hit the pins with the position you are using, you can take the swing and wait for the striking sound. 

Professional players have dedicated hours of practice before they consider themselves learned about the game. They have tried to perfect their play with every game set, and they are continually finding out how to play this game excellently.

For a novice player, it may take a lot of work before you can score a continuous strike. With dedication and practice, this is not an impossible feat.