Runners with different shoes

Is It Bad To Run In Non Running Shoes? (We Asked The Experts)

The answer to this question was vary greatly depending on who you’re talking to, runners have very different opinions on virtually every aspect of their sport. Whether you should run in shoes specifically designed for running is one of the most debated topics in the sport.

You’ll hear arguments about zero drop elevated heels motion control stability neutrality and many other contentious subjects much of which is very confusing.

To answer the question: is it bad to run and not running shoes and whether the type of shoe you wear really matters at all – we spoke to some experienced runners, some running shoe manufacturers and some physical therapists to get their opinion.

The Shoe You’re Wearing Has Little Or No Control Over Stability And Neutrality Or Motion

 In the last decade they have bombarded us with ads focused on different brands of running shoes and the type of support and structure they offer.

These manufacturers insist you need to buy a shoe that matches your foot type before you ever start running. As a result, experienced runners pick likely cushioned flexible and neutral shoes. But those of us with flat feet ended up wearing what money would have considered the running equivalent of a combat boot.

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When you talk to physical therapists, they will tell you that wearing a motion and stability control shoe offers virtually no benefit. The thought that the perfect running shoes will protect you from injury is actually causing more damage than good. You need to perfect your running style first and worry about your shoes second.

Focus On The Mechanics Of Running Istead Of The Shoes

As mentioned previously, the concept that the perfect running shoes will fix your problems and solve your injuries is dangerous.

Certified running specialists and physical therapists insist you should ignore any advice given from friends. Don’t rush down to your nearest sports store to buy the latest running shoes instead, you need to focus on your running mechanics.

When you’re starting out, the best running shoes you can buy is the one that’s most gentle and kind to your feet. It’s after you finish your run that you will get a clear sign about whether the shoes you were wearing or right for you.

However, this is not the saying that you can show up on a track and field day with a pair of basketball shoes on obviously the shoe you wear needs to be fit for purpose.

But an investment in a good pair of running shoes doesn’t have to break the bank they just need to prevent injury are excessive amounts of pain or discomfort following your run 

Reduce The Risk Of Blisters And The Like

Anyone who’s new to running or hasn’t run in a while will most likely have sore feet afterwards. Whether you’ve bought the most expensive running shoes on the market. Outside of the shoe itself, the type of sock you wear is vitally important.

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For example, you want to wear socks that create little or no friction between your skin and the shoe, a big No-No or cotton socks. Another thing you need to be careful of is wearing large inappropriate or unwieldy shoes combining these with a pair of cotton socks or inevitably lead to friction and blisters following any type of running exercise.

buy a pair of running shoes that fit your feet well and combining them with correct socks gives us a good start. These will prevent any blisters, sore feet and shin splints etc from forming. 

Pick A Snug Fitting Running Shoe

Your primary concern when purchasing running shoes should foremost be how it fits to your foot. Well shaped and snug fitting running shoes should be your first order of purchase.

The purpose of this is to help your foot feel more comfortable and lighter as you run. A good running shoe feels like it’s just taking the shape of your foot. One of the biggest issues caused by badly fitting shoes is wear and tear to your heel, which can regularly cutters create a blister.

Is constant rubbing and nagging of your heel can take days to correctly mend, meaning that you’re poorly fitting running shoes would prevent you from exercising regularly

How To Select The Right Running Shoe?

As you mentioned previously to prevent injury when while running you should be more focused on the mechanics rather than the shoe however a well-designed pair of running shoes will come in two different varieties.

I shoot a sign for someone whose foot rotates a lot when they run and a shoe that is designed for someone whose foot will rotate inwards when they’re running. They also describe this type of running technique as over pronation and under pronation.

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The only way to really guarantee that the running shoe you purchase will focus on either type of running style is to visit a specialist running shoe store.

They should have well-trained and knowledgeable staff that should allow you to try a running shoe and even jog around the store are on a treadmill before you ever purchase.

These are the qualities you should look for in a good running shoe

  • The fit – you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to get assumed that fits you well. You’re running shoe should allow no movement but not be too tight that you actually feel under pressure.
  • The cushion – while running shoes need to be light, they still not provide some level of cushion to protect your joints and feet this should be just enough to absorb any excess impact.
  • The Stability – I’m running shoes stability starts at the ankle for example if the heel is too high it can be very uncomfortable to run in.
  • The flexibility – correct running technique requires that you push off from the ball of your foot as a result you’re running shoe needs to be flexible enough to allow you to do this.
  • The Breathability – to prevent blisters and swelling your wish needs to be breathable to allow your keep your feet cooler and also help reduce any fungal or bacterial infections.

Answer the question: is it bad to run in non running shoes. I would have to say yes, but this doesn’t mean you have to instantly run out and spend hundreds of dollars on the best running shoes on the market just follow the guidelines listed above.

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